I recently opened a Discord server dedicated to reporting RQs. I post a lot of those templates for reporting that I've written before, with the idea being that I encourage the users of the server to paraphrase/rewrite them or write their own reports for those same posts. It is my belief that if Tumblr (and other websites) receive enough reports explaining them to what these radqueer terms (each one of these report templates I publish strives to make it clear it's not something harmless and is an actual serious movement, not just drama between users), they will begin to recognize radqueer terms and hopefully censor radqueer terms and blogs in the future.
Entrance to the server is granted when you follow these instructions: Send an instant message on Tumblr to report-rqs (https://report-rqs.tumblr.com/) with some sort of proof of what your Discord account is and ask to join the Discord. With very rare exceptions, every user who joins has to do this. If you cannot message report-rqs directly from a blog that has posted about anti radqueer, please also include some sort of proof that you own a blog which is anti radqueer. An example of this could be a screenshot of the /blog/(url) page from your view.
Example: Here is what I see when I'm looking at my blog.
I find it necessary to mention, so I will outright say that this server welcomes:
More to be added as I think of it. Discourse and much discussion on the above is discouraged. And this server does not welcome: