Title of page

Title of thing

clodsire render

short description of the image above
Type: (radqueer term, anti radqueer term, umbrella term, gender, etc etc etc) Gender identity
Has a known coiner? Yes/no
Something else If another section should be added to this like other names or whatever, it can be added
Very basic summary goes here


Write the definition of the thing here. If it's a RQ term that's pretty obviously a misunderstanding of something (like transseverity) you can mention that here.

If this term was recoined (stolen) from someone else, mention that.1

If this term has an emoji code, mention that here.


If there are subsets, put them here. In most cases it will be better to just put a simple/short definition of the subset here instead of making a whole new page.

Subset 1

Subset 1 information

Subset 2

Subset 2 information



Rename that title to whatever kind of bigotry this term holds (if it's a RQ term). For example, on the page for trace, this would be titled "racism and colorism", and then the actual content of this section would be about why the term is racist and colorist.

This section is highly customizable for each term and may change a lot depending on the page. It can also be divided into subsections.

Child Abuse

For example, if the coiner of this is also known to be a child abuser, or the term supports this and other things, you can detail that here.


This section may be removed if not applicable, but here you can put things like how many posts are in the Tumblr tag for this, or how many votes an option got in someone's Tumblr poll related to this. For example, if this was the page for "xenosatanist" and you found a Tumblr poll that had "I'm a xenosatanist" in it, you could put "in a poll that ran from (start date) to (end date), "I'm a xenosatanist" got 123 votes."

You can also put statistics related to child abuse in here on the pages of terms that are outright 100% pro child abuse.


clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render clodsire render

Relevant Pages

External Links


  1. Truss, Lynne (2003). Eats, Shoots & Leaves. p. 142. ISBN 1-59240-087-6.

Last Edited

This page last edited 9/23/2024.