I've chosen to mark terms coined within the radqueer community that I would say are 100% a "radqueer thing" with
and things that're not inherently a radqueer thing, but still dangerous and might show up in radqueer circles as
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radqueer: (short for radical queer) is a fringe identity movement that promotes and supports a variety of controversial and harmful ideologies, including the normalization of all paraphilias, the belief in transitioning to another race or disability ("transracial" and "transabled"), and the trivialization of addiction and mental health conditions. Radqueers also advocate for identities based on harmful behaviors and concepts, such as "transpedophile," "transcannibal," and "transgroomed," which have been widely criticized for encouraging abuse and appropriation of marginalized identities. They are considered dangerous because they spread misinformation, trivialize genuine identities, and can foster harmful environments.
proship: pro shipping incest, pedophilia, abusive, or zoophilic ships. not inherently a radqueer thing, but I don't think it's inaccurate to say 100% of radqueers are also proship.

xenosatanist: term coined by the same person as radqueer. it is for: transabled, xenogender, transpiecies/alterhumans, transnoso, map, zoophiles/bestialitors, transage etc, rights; A total desacralisation and destigmatisation of sex, sexualisation and nudity; unsegregated pornography and other obscene materials; public sex, nudity, and pornography legalized and socially encouraged; Abolition of the age of consent, abolition of the age of majority; Full legalisation of both real and fictional CP, Full legalization of sex work (even for minors of all ages), incest legalized, banalised, and socially encouraged, legalization of bestiality, Destigmatization of self harm (coining Carrd says "people should be free to engage in self harm as long as they want it, and if it's not too dangerous"), Destigmatization and desacralization to some extent of rape, molestation, sexual abuse, anti-psychiatry, and legalisation of cannibalism and commercialisation of human flesh.
- AHARQ xenomalady: a reclaiming of xenomalady for people that are anti-prat and identify with fictional illnesses. This was made with fictives, fictkins, coping people, atypically dysphoric people, roleplayers, and OCs in mind, but anyone can use. This term is against trying to become sick or harming oneself. This term also explicitly acknowledges that this is FICTIONAL, and identifying with a xenomalady does not make you disabled or neurodivergent. This is also anti-transabled.
- altage: i was unable to find a proper definition, but this seems to be a pro-radqueer term synoymous with transage, and search results show pedophilia "themed" age terms.
AAM: adult-attracted-minor. this may be a minor who has a fleeting crush or someone older (which is natural/common) or someone suffering from teleiophilia. in the radqueer community it's frequently used as a label for minors seeking relationships/in relationships with adults.
- age of consent: The age of consent is the age determined by the state at which a person can legally have sexual intercourse. For someone above this age to have sexual relations with someone below is considered statuatory rape. Most countries set their age of consent between 16-18, but some in certain countries it is as low as 12, or as high as 25
- alterhuman: An umbrella term that refers to a being who does not fit the common societal idea of what is considered human, like otherkin
- atypical dysphoria: refers to someone who has uncommon, unusual, or strange dysphorias. This can be things like BIID/BID, species dysphoria, age dysphoria, xenic dysphoria, etc. These dysphorias are involuntary and can be very troubling to those who may struggle with it. Some may experience these dysphorias due to trauma, delusions, neurodiversity, being a headmate in a system, alterhuman (and it’s subtypes), an age regressor, chronosian, etc.
- anti contact: (Of a paraphile) Against acting on their attractions.
- abuse: the improper usage or treatment of a person or thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust practices, crimes, or other types of aggression.
- age dysphoria: dysphoria felt about one's age.
- age regression: in therapy, a psycho-therapeutic process that aims to facilitate access to childhood memories, thoughts, and feelings. there's a lrge community of people online who age regress on their own to cope, relax, and process trauma.
- age dreaming: someone who acts like a child, does childish things, etc. without actually mentally regressing into a younger age. rather than regressing, age dreamers simply ‘dream’ (pretend, imagine, etc.) of being a younger age while age dreaming. while age regression can happen involuntarily or voluntarily, age dreaming is a conscious decision, with the dreamer choosing to behave younger while dreaming. similar to positive age regression, age dreaming might be done for stress relief, as a coping mechanism, or simply to have fun reliving/participating in positive childhood activities. essentially, age regression is when one behaves and thinks like a child, while age dreaming is when one behaves like a child and thinks like an adult.
- allions: An umbrella term for all orientations that do not feel like they fit under the “normal” stardards or expectations of what orientations can be. they may use concepts like space or plants to explain it, but this isn’t always the case. Based off the concept of xenogenders
- altereffectis: i was unable to find a definition.
- archetrope: an identity based on an archetype, trope or other role which is commonly present in literature and mythology. Examples of this include things like pirates, nobles, clowns, and rangers. This identity has a pervasive effect on the person who experiences it, and can be related to their personality, career, gender or personal values and beliefs. It is one example of an alterhuman identity which is not (necessarily) based in nonhumanity, however some people do see their nonhumanity through an archetropal lens.
- altersex: a catch-all adjective to describe primary and secondary physical sex characteristics or a combination of that do not align with typical arrangements. some people don't like using this term because it was coined with furry ocs in mind.
- aldernic: an umbrella term for individuals who have, or wish to have, a body that deviates from what is expected in society or typical human notions. Aldernic may refer to fictional characters who have a different type of body from humans, but it may also be used by people who desire a body that does not match any existing body or a body that is not possible by human standards. Usually this term will define people who desire an ambiguous, nonhuman, or other non-traditional body. It may refer to someone's “true” body, whether because of alterhumanity, gender nonconformity, xenic identity, or anything else. It can also define someone's physical body, internal identity, or both. Aldernic is not connected to being intersex, and does not make someone “between perisex and intersex”.
- altrenic: was unable to find a definition.
awooqueer: blankqueer stance that encourages minors to "howl" at anti radqueers who say they're being groomed.
- beyorientations: (synonym for allions) An umbrella term for all orientations that do not feel like they fit under the “normal” stardards or expectations of what orientations can be. they may use concepts like space or plants to explain it, but this isn’t always the case. Based off the concept of xenogenders
- BPD/borderline personality disorder: a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive, long-term pattern of significant interpersonal relationship instability, a distorted sense of self, and intense emotional responses. People diagnosed with BPD frequently exhibit self-harming behaviours and engage in risky activities, primarily due to challenges regulating emotional states to a healthy, stable baseline.
- BID/BIID: Body integrity dysphoria (BID), also referred to as body integrity identity disorder (BIID), amputee identity disorder or xenomelia, and formerly called apotemnophilia, is a disorder characterized by a desire to have a sensory or physical disability or feeling discomfort with being able-bodied, beginning in early adolescence and resulting in harmful consequences. People with this condition may refer to themselves as transabled.
- cultural appropriation: the adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity in a manner perceived as inappropriate or unacknowledged. This can be especially controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from minority cultures. When cultural elements are copied from a minority culture by members of a dominant culture, and these elements are used outside of their original cultural context – sometimes even against the expressly stated wishes of members of the originating culture – the practice is often received negatively. Cultural appropriation can include the exploitation of another culture's religious and cultural traditions, customs, dance steps, fashion, symbols, language, history and music.
- cult: a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society. Such groups are typically founded or led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader who tightly controls its members. It is in some contexts a pejorative term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal.
- compulsion: epeated actions or routines that occur in response to obsessions to achieve a relief from anxiety. Common compulsions include excessive hand washing, cleaning, counting, ordering, repeating, avoiding triggers, hoarding, neutralizing, seeking assurance, praying, and checking things.
- contraumia: identities which one are not and/or cannot be, but find themselves drawn to due to traumatic experiences. This is a vague term, able to refer to identities one wishes that they had, identities one heavily connects to, identities one has shared symptoms with, identities one keeps intrusively thinking they have despite not, and more. Contraumia was created as a way to express these feelings without being forced under the transid label. People with contraumia do not actually believe they “should be” these things or want to transition into them. They acknowledge the feeling is a result of their trauma but still wish to identify with it.
- chronosian: an umbrella term for those who perceive their age differently than what their body physically is, either all of of the time or periodically. This may include people who are neurodivergent in some sense, plural system members, age regressors, being trauma-stuck, and much more. It is generally synonymous with the term "chrono-peculiar." despite the fact that the original coining posts and all discussion from the coiner have been prefaced with the term being anti-pedophilia and anti chronological adults being inappropriate with children, many radqueers have "claimed" the term for their own and treat it like a subset of transID.
- conceptkin: Identifies as or with a concept of some kind; This could be abstract and possibly (not limited) reasoned by spiritual belief that one's soul enveloped said concept, a coping mechanism, belief one isn't inherently human or due to strong connection
- coping: onscious or unconscious strategies used to reduce and manage unpleasant emotions. Coping strategies can be cognitions or behaviors and can be individual or social. To cope is to deal with struggles and difficulties in life; a way for people to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.
- copinglink: Choosing voluntarily to identify as a character or species as a coping mechanism
- consent: when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another. It is a term of common speech, with specific definitions as used in such fields as the law, medicine, research, and sexual consent. Consent as understood in specific contexts may differ from its everyday meaning. For example, a person with a mental disorder, a low mental age, or under the legal age of sexual consent may willingly engage in a sexual act that still fails to meet the legal threshold for consent as defined by applicable law.
- constelic: Someone who collects identities of animals, fictional characters, mythological beings, and otherwise; It is often done by choice, though it is not always, and constelic identities can be dropped, hoarded, and have priority over others. Constelic identities are often casual, “in the background”, or not very intensive, though this may not always be the case. Furthermore, there may be specific tiers of how much someone relates to said identities.
- CDD: complex dissociative disorders. i was unable to find more detail.
synonym for child pornography (CP); unlawful pornography in most jurisdictions that exploits minors for sexual stimulation.
cincinique: a term in which one aligns with all of the beliefs of the term radqueer, but for one reason or another doesn't call themself radqueer.
- cisgender/cis: a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth, i.e., someone who is not transgender. The prefix cis- is Latin and means on this side of
- callout: a public post calling out a user for (perceived or real) harmful behavior towards others.
- terms starting with d
- daemonism: The practice of creating/communicating with a dæmon: A personified other half of one’s internal dialogue, which usually has a name, gender and personality that often differs from that of said person. Daemons are usually imagined (or projected) in animal forms. The name comes from the Greek word "daimon" (also “dæmon”), a minor spirit (either good or evil). "Dæmon" is pronounced "demon" according to His Dark Materials, but some members prefer to pronounce it as "day-mon", to differentiate it from the infernal entity.
- dead dove do not eat/dead dove: Tag used as a warning for extremely disturbing content in a work, often fanwork; A phrase meaning "read at your own risk"
- DID/dissociative identity disorder: a disorder characterized by the presence of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states and memory gaps more severe than could be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
- DNI: "do not interact," usually used to reference a list of types of people that an online user doesn't want to interact with (be followed by, receive messages from, etc).
- dissomei/dissodic: is a term to describe an involuntary disconnect one has between their physical self and internal experiences. It is not intended in a fun "I want to be this" way, but rather to acknowledge the disconnect. It is against transitioning if it's unsafe or can harm other people.
doxxing: the act of publicly providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization, usually via the Internet and without their consent.
- dysphoria: a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. It is the semantic opposite of euphoria. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation.
- educated self diagnosis: the process of diagnosing, or identifying, medical conditions in oneself. It may be assisted by medical dictionaries, books, resources on the Internet, past personal experiences, or recognizing symptoms or medical signs of a condition that a family member previously had or currently has. "educated self diagnosis" is usually used to clarify that someone isn't implying they diagnosed themself without any thought.
- eiment: an alterhuman / nonhuman term for being an embodiment / embodiment of something.
- enviren: was unable to find a definition.
- endel: A nonhuman or alterhuman self-identifier to describe one’s identity being caused by, rooted in, or greatly influenced by delusion; Endelity can also be considered a form of physical nonhumanity where a being believes their body to be nonhuman due to somatic delusions or similar.
- eepyqueer: blankqueer term for anti radqueers, describing someone who does not wish to participate in discourse. They do have their own stance but they wish not to participate or be around heavily discourse topics. it is anti Syscourse, Anti Alterhuman Discorse, Anti LGBT+ Discourse, Pro LGBT+/MOGAI, Systems, and Alterhuman, and doesn't support Radqueer, Transid/TransX/Trans+, Proshipper/Comshipper/AntiAnti/etc, Maps/Zoos/Necos (and any other harmful paras)
- ethnicity: a group of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a people of a common language, culture, common sets of ancestry, traditions, society, religion, history, or social treatment. The term ethnicity is often used interchangeably with the term nation. not the same as race, although many radqueers treat it like it is.
- ethix: was unable to find a definition.
- emoji codes: an emoji or combination of emojis used to signify that an online user is a certain identity. these are not exclusive to radqueers (truscum, TERFs, and racists use them as well) but are especially popular in the radqueer community, and many radqueer coining posts make up an emoji code for the identity.
- terms starting with f
- fictionkin: Identifying as a character or species from media such as TV shows, books, games, movies, and so on
- fictionhearted: Identifying with or feeling a connection to a certain species or creature; You don't see yourself as said creature/species/character but rather like they are family
- fictionflicker: A being that temporarily takes on the identity of a fictional species or character usually because you take in a lot of media involving that character. This commonly will fade away once you stop taking in the media with that character
- fictioreligion: a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person). not intended to be like cults/fults.
- fetish: sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism; a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or body part. The object of interest is called the fetish; the person who has a fetish for that object is a fetishist. A sexual fetish may be regarded as a mental disorder if it causes significant psychosocial distress for the person or has detrimental effects on important areas of their life, but many other fetishists are completely harmless - for example, someone attracted to feet who seeks out willing consensual partners with the same fetish.
- furry: Dresses up as an animal for fun/self expression
fult/faux cult: a term coined by radqueers to describe roleplaying as if they were in a cult or a cult leader. usually comes with a pride flag, a tumblr blog, a discord server, and tasks that the members must complete. multiple fults have openly told their members to harm themselves.
- grooming: the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor under the age of consent to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. It can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication. Children who are groomed may experience mental health issues, including "anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal thoughts."
- gender dysphoria: the distress a person experiences due to a mismatch between their gender identity—their personal sense of their own gender—and their sex assigned at birth.
- gender euphoria: a term for the satisfaction, enjoyment, or relief felt by trans and non-binary people when they feel their gender expression matches their personal gender identity.
- harm reduction/harm minimization: intentional practices and public health policies designed to lessen the negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. Harm reduction is used to decrease negative consequences of recreational drug use and sexual activity without requiring abstinence, recognizing that those unable or unwilling to stop can still make positive change to protect themselves and others. For example - someone who self injures by cutting can keep their cutting tools freshly cleaned to reduce the risk of infection, if they're not in a place where they can stop the practice entirely.
- harmful paras: paraphilias that can or will harm the object of attraction, usually used to mean the big three. this has been critiqued by many paraphiles because the phrase is vague, and because it implies that the paraphilia itself is a harmful thing. This can make paraphiles feel as if they are bad for existing, even if their individual paraphilas would not harm the object of attraction.
- hearthome: Certain places, imagery, objects, and music evoke a sensation not unlike heartedness;These places and items feel familiar and integral, but are not things one identifies as. They may not even feel like places that one is from. The imagery resonates with such familiarity that it can be considered an aspect of one’s identity.
- hearthic: the things that make someone feel like it's their hearthome.
- headcanon: a fan's personal interpretation of a fictional universe.
- HOCD: harm OCD. subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder where individuals experience intrusive, distressing thoughts of causing harm to themselves or others, despite having no desire to act on these thoughts.
hypoharmful: not used as often as it used to be.
- HI: homocidal ideation or homocidal intent (usually the former if in a mental health space)
- intersex: individuals born with any of several sex characteristics, including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies".
- intenxper: an umbrella term for when you have such an intense connection to a certain thing, animal, or topic that it becomes intertwined with your very being.
- intentiora: non-radqueer term for identities like dissomei, otherkin, etc. better definition to come later.
- inclusionist: someone in the queer or system community who thinks a certain groups (or groups) should be included. this term is vague and you will need to use context clues to understand what someone actually means. this originally referred to people who believed that ace/aros should be included in the queer community. radqueers generally are "inclusionists" for all paraphilias as queer identities.
- terms starting with j
- kardiatype: A past life which experiences had such an impact on you that it formed your core identiy and personality even to this day in such a way that it differs from your past life identity/personality therefor making you NOT identifying as the being from your past life anymore
- kink: a colloquial term for non-normative sexual behavior
kodocon/kodo: Derived from the Japanese word for "children" (Kodomo 子供), it is a word used to encompass those who are both lolicons/shotacons (people who are attracted to underage characters. loli = girl, shota = boy)
- LIOM: (Labels, Identities, Other Minorities) is an acronym meant to parallel those like MOGAI while also including a broader scope of identities and minorities. These include but are not limited to: LGBT+, POC, Xenogenders and neopronouns, Intersex, Disability and neurodivergence, Alterhumans, otherkin, therians, and other nonhumans, Systems, Amatopunk, Sex work, and Kink. The original coiner also clarifies that LIOM does not support pedophilic, incestuous, nonconsensual, zoophilic, necrophilic, or abusive acts. Furthermore, LIOM does not support any labels that promote or positively portray these things.
l0licon: Any adult who feels sexual attraction to specifically fictional depictions of characters who’s body proportions closely resemble that of a child regardless of the canonical assigned age.
l0li: Japanese slang term for a child/underage girl or an adult woman with a childlike appearance. groomed children may self-describe as this.
- MOGAI: MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations Gender Alignments and Intersex), IMOGA (Intersex, Marginalized Orientations and Gender Alignments), MOGII (Marginalized Orientations Gender Identities and Intersex) or MOGMI (Marginalized Orientations Gender Modalities and Intersex) is a proposed acronym that includes everyone whose sexuality, gender, or sex deviates from the "standard" of allosexual, heterosexual, perioriented, cisgender, dyadic and other conformant identities. The term is synonymous with LGBT, and was designed to be a simpler version of it. Since MOGAI does not list out all the identities included, it is inclusive of all lesser known identities, and does not have to add extra letters as is commonly seen with the LGBT acronym.
MIK: minors-in-kink.
MMP: minor-made-porn; child porn a minor has made.
MAP: minor-attracted-person. fuller definition to come later.
MSM: minor-(having)sex-(with)-minor.
- neoAGAB: someone who either rejects their AGAB in favor of one they prefer, doesn’t wish to disclose their AGAB for any reason, or simply doesn’t find the concept of AGAB to be important or relevant and chooses their own. seen as a synonym to xenoAGAB.
- neurowiry: Neurowiry describes "non-official" neurotypes*. (Non-official meaning it is not in the DSM & it hasn’t been studied.) Individual terms within neurowiry are called wiretypes and have the suffix “-typen”. Wiretypes are broad categories that explain and inform a person’s psyche and development. They are expressed metaphorically through dynamics (predator/prey/lover/rebel/etc), things in nature (leaves/fog/beasts/planets/etc), forces (gravity/heat/etc) and so on. They encourage recognition and labeling of patterns within oneself. They are self-identities and not recommended for people under 16.
- nontraumagenic: a plural system which doesn't attribute its original origin to trauma.
- non-offending: a paraphile with a paraphilia which could cause harm who doesn't wish to act on it. better definition later.
- ongietunem: unable to find a definition.
oculoid: was unable to find a full definition. posts indicate it was some kind of alternative to radqueer and gained popularity before people released it was coined to include transIDs.
- OCD/Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a mental and behavioral disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts (an obsession) and feels the need to perform certain routines (compulsions) repeatedly to relieve the distress caused by the obsession, to the extent where it impairs general function
- obsession: persistent unwanted thoughts, mental images, or urges that generate feelings of anxiety, disgust, or discomfort. Some common obsessions include fear of contamination, obsession with symmetry, the fear of acting blasphemously, the sufferer's sexual orientation, and the fear of possibly harming others or themselves.
- OSDD/Other specified dissociative disorder: a mental health diagnosis for pathological dissociation that matches the DSM-5 criteria for a dissociative disorder, but does not fit the full criteria for any of the specifically identified subtypes, which include dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization/derealization disorder, and the reasons why the previous diagnoses were not met are specified. "Unspecified dissociative disorder" is given when the clinician does not give a reason. Examples of OSDD include chronic and recurrent syndromes of mixed dissociative symptoms, identity disturbance due to prolonged and intense coercive persuasion, disorders similar to dissociative identity disorder, acute dissociative reactions to stressful events, and dissociative trance.
- otherkin: Umbrella term for Identifying as non-human
- otherspin/otherfix: People who do not identify as human because of their special interests or hyperfixation
- otherhearted: Identifying with or feeling a connection to a certain species or creature; You don't see yourself as said creature/species/character but rather like they are family
- otherlink: Choosing to identify as something for any reason
- othervague: An identity that cannot be described using currently available labels, encompasses experiences of multiple labels, or is too vague to put any label on it.
- pet regression: the animal counterpart of age regression. Instead of regressing to a younger age, pet (re) reverts to the mindset of an animal, though both age regression and pet regression may co-occur and are not exclusive to each other.
- pet dreaming: the dreamer counterpart of pet regression. Similar to age regression and corresponding with age dreaming, pet dreamers tend to act like a pet or other animal, and may do things that an animal would do. In comparison to pet regression, pet dreamers never really fully slip into the mindset of an animal.
- perperesque: describes wanting something to be so deeply intertwined with you that it effects how others perceive you.
- paraphilia: a type of sexual interest or arousal pattern that deviates from what society considers typical or socially acceptable. It involves intense and persistent sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors that focus on specific objects, activities, or individuals.
- pro-para: ften used in the radqueer community as a dogwhistle to indicate that they believe all paraphilias can be acted on in some way. Radqueers may argue that paraphilias like pedophilia and zoophilia can have consensual interactions, and label themselves as "anti abuse" and/or "pro consent." Because of this, the online opinion of paraphilias in general is very negative, and Tumblr users especially may assume that anyone with a paraphilia is a dangerous predator. However, not all paraphilias would cause harm to the object of attraction - such as the paraphilic attraction to feet. (i would not suggest saying things like "pro para DNI" - the person writing this has several paraphilias that don't harm anyone, for example. pro-para doesn't equal pro-harm.)
- plural/plurality:
- POCD: POCD is not the same as being a predator, but many predators in the radqueer community now use this as their excuse to identify as things like "transdophile" and "transrpist".
- POSIC+: acronym standing for Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness. refers to people who feel like objects communicate with them, for a multitude of reasons.
- pop culture paganism: Incorporating pop culture elements into a religious or spiritual practice, or outright practicing a pop culture religion; this may include worshipping a character as a deity or spirit
POCphobia: the phobia of all people of color. "coined" by the same person as winterpunk/winterqueer.
a community on twitter, a sub genre of mcyttwt. This sub genre is infamous for shipping and creating porn of the real life minors of the Minecraft YouTube community. with other minors or with adults. associated emojis are 💐/🌷.
- terms starting with r
radqueer: (short for radical queer) is a fringe identity movement that promotes and supports a variety of controversial and harmful ideologies, including the normalization of all paraphilias, the belief in transitioning to another race or disability ("transracial" and "transabled"), and the trivialization of addiction and mental health conditions. Radqueers also advocate for identities based on harmful behaviors and concepts, such as "transpedophile," "transcannibal," and "transgroomed," which have been widely criticized for encouraging abuse and appropriation of marginalized identities. They are considered dangerous because they spread misinformation, trivialize genuine identities, and can foster harmful environments.
- race: a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society. The term came into common usage during the 16th century, when it was used to refer to groups of various kinds, including those characterized by close kinship relations. Modern science regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partly based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning. The concept of race is foundational to racism, the belief that humans can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.
- rankesque: General term for titles, such as "the cat" or "prn that meows", typically used as a replacement for names or pronouns.
- radical inclusion: a nebulously defined term, there's really not a definition I can write here because some people do genuinely use it on good faith to mean identities they support like mspec lesbians, and other people use it for radqueer terms like transnzis, transrpist, etc. use context clues to figure out what someone means when they say this.
- rape: Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse, or other forms of sexual penetration, carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent (statutory rape). The term rape is sometimes casually inaccurately used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.
- recovery: the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness, injury, or operation
- recoining: purposely coining a term coined by someone else. done by radqueers and anti radqueers alike.
- reclaiming: the cultural process by which a group reclaims words or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group. It is a specific form of a semantic change (i.e., change in a word's meaning).
- relationship anarchy: the practice of forming relationships that are not bound by set rules. It goes beyond polyamory by postulating that there need not be a formal distinction between different types of relationships. Relationship anarchists look at each relationship (romantic or otherwise) individually, as opposed to categorizing them according to societal norms such as ‘just friends’, ‘in a relationship’, ‘in an open relationship’, etc.
- roleic: an identity experienced by system member in relation to their role. It indicates that something is tied to or involved with their role or experience in their system, without it being a role itself.
- RBF: "read before follow(ing)." usually refers to a notice
- species dysphoria: a term for anyone who doesn't identify as fully human and feels dysphoria in their current body and form.
- species euphoria: species-related counterpart to gender euphoria.
- soulbonding/soulbonder: A being who can hold conversations with a fictional character who they have a connection with on a integral level
- self diagnosis: the process of diagnosing, or identifying, medical conditions in oneself. It may be assisted by medical dictionaries, books, resources on the Internet, past personal experiences, or recognizing symptoms or medical signs of a condition that a family member previously had or currently has. "educated self diagnosis" is usually used to clarify that someone isn't implying they diagnosed themself without any thought.
- seoracial: unable to find a definition.
Sim CP:
sh0ta: groomed children may self-describe as this.
sui bait:
- SI: either suicidal ideation or self injury.
- suicidal ideation: Suicidal ideation, or suicidal thoughts, is the thought process of having ideas, or ruminations about the possibility of completing suicide. On suicide risk scales, the range of suicidal ideation varies from fleeting thoughts to detailed planning. Passive suicidal ideation is thinking about not wanting to live or imagining being dead. Active suicidal ideation involves preparation to kill oneself or forming a plan to do so.
- synpath: Identifying with or feeling a connection to a certain species or creature; You don't see yourself as said creature/species/character but rather like they are family. synonym for otherhearted.
- systyle: when you see one innerworld and / or headmates in an art style. This can be singular, mixed, fluctuating, etc. Systyles can be based on popular artists, game styles, comics, or general art styles.
- systematic oppression: the intentional and structured mistreatment of certain groups within society, usually based on characteristics like race, gender, or ability. It is maintained through social institutions like education, law, and politics, which enforce power imbalances and restrict access to resources and opportunities for marginalized groups. This form of oppression is pervasive, ingrained, and affects both individuals and communities by limiting their freedoms and rights.
- stalking: unwanted and/or repeated surveillance or contact by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are interrelated to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.
- typing quirk: A typing quirk is when someone changes their writing style online by altering letters, words, or punctuation. This might include replacing letters with symbols, using extra punctuation, or unique capitalization. It's often used for self-expression or in relation to kin things.
- therian: Identifying as typically an extinct or still alive earthen animal but also extends to legendary creatures; A non-sapient nonhuman identity
- trauma: severe mental injury caused by a distressing event
- transgender: someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth
- transspecies: no matter how hard radqueers claim it's a transID, the term is over 30 years older than radqueer and has its own separate community that's developed on its own.
- transage: identifying as an age different from your chronological one. some people genuinely do use transage in a non-predatory, good faith way, but also many non-radqueer predators use it to excuse preying on children, and many radqueers consider it a transID and enagage with transage chronological minors as if they were the adult ages they identify as. use context clues to figure out if someone's using this in good faith.

transharmful: a transID umbrella term to mean
- transracial: the actual definition has always been someone who are adopted by parents of a different race or ethnicity. for example, a black child adopted by white parents would be considered transracial. this type of adoption can involve navigating complex issues around identity, culture, and race. transracial adoptees often face challenges related to feeling connected to both their birth culture and the culture they were raised in, as well as dealing with racism or cultural differences within their adoptive families or communities. radqueers have stolen this terminology and use it to mean a white person who identifies as a person of color.
- transdisabled: there are people separate from the Tumblr community entirely who have BID who've become accustomed to using transdisabled to describe themselves, and it's a point of active discussion in the BID community if this word is okay to use.
transprofession: transID term for identifying as or feeling you should have a certain profession.
transcharacter: transID term for identifying as or feeling you should be a fictional character. (so fictionkin but radqueer.)
- teritary attraction: forms of attraction beyond the primary (sexual) and secondary (romantic) levels, and can include things like aesthetic, intellectual, or platonic attraction. people also coin new terms for unique teritary attraction experiences.
- traumagenic: a system whose creation / origin is the result of one or more traumatic events. Often, these systems have lingering trauma, and may fall under a diagnosis like DID or OSDD-1
- tulpa/tulpamancy: a tulpa is an autonomous entity or personality created in someone’s mind through intense focus and visualization. tulpamancy is the practice of creating and interacting with these entities, often as a form of companionship. some practitioners describe tulpas as having their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, distinct from the creator’s consciousness. within the plural community, the practice of tulpamancy is controversial, with some viewing it as a form of cultural appropriation from tibetan buddhism, where the term "tulpa" originated. willowgenic is generally used as a synonym without the same origin.
- vesility/vesil: An umbrella term for something that in some way affects many or all areas of someone's identity. Someone whose gender, orientation, alterhumanity, etc. is influenced or defined by outer space, for example, would be vesil.
- vior: a class of terms for when one would describe one's behavior in relation to something. may be an alterhuman term, but doesn't have to be. this term falls under the liom umbrella. there's no limit to what a vior term can be related to. animals, objects, concepts, emotions, experiences, anything! in the simplest sense, it's xenogenders but for how you act.
winterqueer/winterpunk: white supremacist dogwhistle. better definition coming later.
- willowgenic: a system that was purposefully created or willed into existence, with no connections to tulpamancy.
- white guilt: white guilt refers to feelings of shame, discomfort, or responsibility experienced by some white people when confronting the realities of racism, inequality, and the privileges they may hold due to their race. while it is important for individuals to acknowledge and understand systemic racism, white guilt is not something that should be "destigmatized." instead, people should focus on using their awareness of privilege to actively challenge racism and support marginalized communities, rather than centering their own discomfort or guilt.
- xenogender: A nonbinary gender identity that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things. It’s mainly an umbrella term for genders with themes such as nouns, archetypes, synesthetic experiences, neurodivergences.
- xenonatured: person with a strong connection to something to the point it becomes part of them. This connection can be from anything, for example: something you like, a hyperfixation, a special interest, something personal, and etc. When the connection to these things become extremely strong, it can slow develop into becoming a peice of you. This part of you is what is called a xenonature. For example: dognatured. Dognatured is when one has a strong connection to dogs to the point it becomes a part of oneself. What that means is that said person's connection to dogs evolved into more than a connection and has, literally, become inseparable from that person. That person does not believe they are a dog, but their connection to them is just that strong."
- xenoidentity: better definition coming later. originally coined by anti-xenogender exclusionists (in an assertion that xenogender people are just describing personality traits), however many pro-xenogenders have reclaimed the term and use it.
- xenoAGAB: someone who either rejects their AGAB in favor of one they prefer, doesn’t wish to disclose their AGAB for any reason, or simply doesn’t find the concept of AGAB to be important or relevant and chooses their own. seen as a synonym to neoAGAB.
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xenosatanism: term coined by the same person as radqueer. it is for: transabled, xenogender, transpiecies/alterhumans, transnoso, map, zoophiles/bestialitors, transage etc, rights; A total desacralisation and destigmatisation of sex, sexualisation and nudity; unsegregated pornography and other obscene materials; public sex, nudity, and pornography legalized and socially encouraged; Abolition of the age of consent, abolition of the age of majority; Full legalisation of both real and fictional CP, Full legalization of sex work (even for minors of all ages), incest legalized, banalised, and socially encouraged, legalization of bestiality, Destigmatization of self harm (coining Carrd says "people should be free to engage in self harm as long as they want it, and if it's not too dangerous"), Destigmatization and desacralization to some extent of rape, molestation, sexual abuse, anti-psychiatry, and legalisation of cannibalism and commercialisation of human flesh.
xenomalady: radqueer/transID term for identifying with fictional or "newly coined" disorders and illnesses.
- xenochronal: chronosian identity where one’s age cannot be described numerically or chronologically so other concepts (such as aesthetics or animals) must be used.

- youthlib/youth liberation: a movement advocating for the rights, freedom, and autonomy of young people, challenging societal structures that limit their choices due to their age. this is an actual movement with good intentions, so use context clues. radqueer typically say that youth liberation would involve allowing pedophilia and claim it's ageist that children aren't able to have sex with adults.
- ZOCD: a subtype of OCD in which individuals experience unwanted, intrusive thoughts or fears related to zoophilia, causing extreme distress even though they have no desire to act on them.
- -like:
credits and acknowledgements for definitions
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